Friday, September 6, 2013

New Paintings

In April of 2013 I had the good fortune to take a workshop in still life painting with Indiana artist C.W. Mundy. Since then I have finally gotten motivated to paint more, and since I am now preparing to participate in an outdoor art fair at the end of September, I am finally painting every day. I don't know if I am producing "a painting a day" as was my original goal when I started this blog, but I think I am coming close. I find that it doesn't fit my working style to complete a painting in one sitting. I can get more than half or even three quarters done, but then I need a break from that work. So I find I am starting at least two, sometimes three paintings in a day and finishing them up within a few days. So maybe I am averaging a painting a day. I'm finding I need to work this way partly because I get bored easily and lose my excitement about a work, and partly because I just need to put it aside and get a fresh look at it a day or so later. Then I can get to it with renewed interest and can see where I need to go, or make changes if need be. So now I can post the results of all this activity.

When I first got back from the workshop, I began painting fruit and still life objects. The first two were a pear and orange.

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